Falcon Travelers

Dutch Design Leather, Est 2013

Woohoo, I finally did it, I changed the domain for the blog to ladyfalcontravelers.com. It’s been on my to-do list for quite a while now and today I finally dared to take the leap and change it. All the old links for morganlefaestrinkets.com will still work, at least for a while, and redirect everything to this domain.

I think it’s fitting that the blog is Ladyfalcontravelers.com and the shop is Falcontravelers.com, since the blog is my thing and the shop is run by my husband and me…. I guess if Mr. Falcon Travelers wants to write a blog he can get his own domain 😉

My December Daily Traveler’s notebook is getting quite full. With only 2 more days left to go, it’s really quite chunky. I did a little evaluation of this journey on a page with a bit of space to write left. And my conclusion is that it was a lot of fun to do the journaling and write in the notebook every day.

To make pics and create a little notebook filled with memory’s. I like the format, not too big and not too small. It was just right. I also like the setup of the insert.

With daily dated pages for every day. A weekly overview at the start of each week.

Which of course only has 2 days this coming week. And a few other pages for specific things in the back.

I found it hard to fill those in the beginning, but as the month progressed They became more and more filled with recipes, the planning for Christmas dinner and all other stuff. When a specific topic didn’t work for me, like f.i. Gifts, I just changed it to something else. Instead of gifts I now have an overview of movies and series I watched in the past year.

The only thing that didn’t really work for me was the blogging every day. In a time where we were so busy already. I was really enthusiastic at first and managed quite a bit every day, but by the time it was Christmas, I was burned out and exhausted and dropped the blogging every day.

Next year I’m still going to do a December Daily and I will still do a blog. I will do the journaling every day, but the blogging will not be everyday… Perhaps every other day will be better.

With just one more day to go in 2018, I’ll probably be back in 2019 with the final 2 pages and after that I’ll do a flip through of my chunky notebook.

Have a great day tomorrow and I wish you all a fabulous 2019!

xoxo Monique

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